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The Assembly Show 2022


  • Okt. 25, 2022 | 4:00 pm-7:00 pm

  • Okt. 26, 2022 | 10:00 am-5:00 pm

  • Okt. 27, 2022 | 9:00 am-2:00 pm


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Donald E. Stephens Convention Center

The Assembly Show

Join Lanco in booth #1105.

Lanco Integrated is Exhibiting at The Assembly Show’s 10th annual event on October 25-27, 2022. There will be thousands of attendees and hundreds of exhibitors showcasing the latest assembly technology equipment and products. Mark your calendar and plan to be a part of this milestone event where event participants will uncover new resources, evaluate the latest technologies and products, learn from industry experts and connect with experienced professionals.

Please stop by, have a cup of coffee, and discuss your next automation project with us.

This year, Lanco is show-casing four machines:

1. Lanco’s “The Assembly Show” machine, with integrated AFAG, COGNEX, Jenny Science, Rockwell Automation, Schunk, Staubli’s TX 60L robot, and Lanco’s own pallet transfer system. Use the HMI controls to solve the “LANCO” puzzle and win a gift.
2. A Stäubli robot-based cell used in the assembly of battery cells.
3. A FANUC Station with a high speed SCARA SR-3iA robot.
4. A Weiss equipment with linear and rotary drives.

Schedule an appointment by filling out the form, or directly contact a member of our Global Sales team.

⬇️ Register for the event by clicking on the show logo below.

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